About Us


We pride ourselves in offering an extensive range of quality goods at affordable prices. Our aim is to always look for fresh new styles to add to our collection online.

How do we work?

Generally our items are preordered and require a 2 - 3 week waiting period for delivery of goods. Please rest assured that we are attentive to our emails and if you have any questions or concerns we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Please read terms & conditions prior to purchasing. 

Preorders have a delivery expectancy between 2 - 3 weeks once the order has been placed. On average goods arrive within 3 weeks however this is not guaranteed as freight may change due to public holidays or other circumstances which can extend the delivery time frame. If goods are taking longer than usual we will endeavour to advise our customers accordingly.

Our customer guarantee if you do not receive your order within 4 weeks you are entitled to a full refund.

Payment must be made in AUD (Australian Dollars) due to currency differences if there is an underpayment we cannot complete the order and will contact you to see what you would like to do in this circumstance.

We are based in Australia but also ship to New Zealand, Canada and USA providing that the recipient is willing to cover the additional freight cost including tracking and signature. (All overseas orders must be made via email as we have not yet established an online platform for international sales).

Refunds & Returns

We can only provide refunds if the item received is significantly different to what was mentioned in the description. The item must be returned in its original condition within 14 days of the item being received to be eligible for a refund. Unfortunately anything after this period will be void and no refund will be granted.

We cannot refund for change of mind or wrong sizing once the order has been processed. Please choose sizing carefully.

Payment Methods

Shop secure with Barca Collection through Paypal. 

If you do not have a Paypal account we can also except bank deposit or EFT payments.

Have a question?

Contact customer care on the CONTACTS page or direct via:

Email: [email protected]
(Please allow 24 hours for replies)

Much love,

Barca Collection